On Feb.23 the Montgomery County Council convened to discuss the adoption of a resolution to combat hate, bigotry, and violence.
The resolution was made to promote inclusiveness and affirm the long-standing commitment the county has to ensuring all members of the community are protected from harmful, and hateful actions or speech.
Councilmember Evan Glass led the meeting, afterwards tweeting the resolutions details and promise to the community. Shortly after, Glass received an anonymous message from a “concerned citizen” account which included homophobic and bigoted language.
Glass responded to the tweet publicly, denouncing it and proving it to be an example of the kind of hate that will not be tolerated within the Montgomery County community.
This week I led the Council in passing a resolution denouncing hate in Montgomery County.
Today I received this tweet.
These are the kind of bigoted homophobic messages we need to denounce in order to start healing the soul of our community. pic.twitter.com/VJXVjUWo8L
— Evan Glass (@EvanMGlass) February 27, 2021
Today the @MoCoCouncilMD adopted a resolution reaffirming our commitment to combating hate and extremism in Montgomery County, and expressing our ongoing commitment to cultivating an inclusive, safe and just community. pic.twitter.com/TlzlIVaF5c
— Evan Glass (@EvanMGlass) February 23, 2021
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