With Deadline Approaching, Tax Assistance Provided for Households in Need

photo of $1 bill, calculator, pen and note reading Tax Time! Need Help?

With Tax Day approaching on April 15, tax credits and filing help will be provided to individuals who fall within certain income brackets and meet certain eligibility requirements.

The federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is designed to assist households with low-to-moderate collective income. Those who qualify for the credit can use it to reduce their tax number, or potentially to increase their refund. You can check if you qualify for the EITC by visiting the Internal Revenue Service website.

The maximum federal credit through EITC is $7,830. The credit amount may vary depending on how many children you have or your disability status. You can calculate how large of a credit you qualify for here.

The State of Maryland offers their own version of the EITC that supplements the federal version. The state credit provides a 50% match to the federal credit for filers that are claiming dependents and a 100 percent match for individual filers who cannot claim dependents.

In addition, Montgomery County provides yet another supplement to the state EITC through the Working Families Income Supplement, which provides a 56% match of the state EITC for those who are eligible. Filers must file a Maryland Tax return to be eligible for the credit.

Community Action will be providing free tax filing help to those with household incomes of $67,000 or less through their Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. To book an appointment, call 240-777-1123 or visit the website.

Additional information about the federal, state and county tax return credits can be found here.


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